
NCS Parents

Education Support Provided for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students

School Support Summary

for the 2020/21 School Year

    Our school was provided with additional funding by the Education Bureau in the 2020/21 academic year.With reference to school-based circumstances, we provided support for our NCS students and assigned a dedicated teacher to coordinate relating matters. Details are as follows :

  1. With reference to the learning progress and needs of NCS students, our school adopted the following modes to enhance the support for learning of Chinese of NCS students in the 2020/21 school year:

Appointing 2 additional teachers and 1 teaching assistant (including assistant of different race) to support the learning of Chinese of NCS students.


In-class support provided in Chinese Language lessons:



Pull-out learning

(Levels:   P3. P.4 P.6  )

Co-teaching/In-class support

(Levels:  P.1 P.2 P,5  )


Others :  Cooperating with the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and preparing tailor-made lessons together for the needs of non-Chinese speaking students.


After-school/after-class  support:




Summer bridging  course

(Levels: P.1-3  )

Paired-reading scheme

(Level:  P.1  )


Others : homework remedial classes (P. 1-P.6)



  1. Our school’s measures for creating an inclusive learning environment included :

Translating major school circulars/important matters on school webpage

Organising activities which promote cultural integration/raise sensitivity to diverse cultures and religions :

"Cultural Sensitivity"teacher workshop ,with religion as the theme,enchancing teachers'understanding of the cultures of ethnic minority families,and  with South Asian volunteers sharing the difficulites and needs of previous learning.

Other measure:

Cantonese course for parents and students.



  1. Our school’s measures for promoting home-school cooperation with parents of NCS students included :

Appointing assistant who can speak English  or other language facilitating the communication with parents of NCS students

Discussing the learning progress (including learning of Chinese) of NCS students with their parents on a regular basis

Explaining to parents of NCS students and emphasising the importance of their children to master the Chinese language

Other measures :

Cooperating with Hong Kong Christian Service to provide parent-child visual art course and after-school paired- reading scheme.

The support measures mentioned in Parts (1) to (3) above are for reference only. Depending on the different learning progress and needs of NCS student(s) of each school year, as well as allocation of school resources, our school will adjust the support measures concerned.

For further enquiries about the education support our school provides for NCS students, please contact (Mr.Wong Chi On) at (2476 2258.).







(一)本校按非華語學生的學習進度和需要,在2020/21學年採用以下方式加  強支援他們的中文學習︰ 聘請 2名額外教師及 1 名教學助理(包括不同種族的助理),以支援非華語學生學習中文。





(年級: 3.4.6  )



(年級: 1,2,5  )







(年級: 1,2   )


(年級: 1   )








舉辦促進文化共融/提高多元文化及宗教敏感度的活動 :「文化敏感度」教師工作坊,以宗教為主題,提升教師認識少數族裔家庭的文化及注意事項,並由南亞裔義工分享以往學習的困難及需要。







其他措施 :

1. 與香港教育局及香港理工大學協作及共同備課,剪裁配合非華語學生需要的教學單元。

2. 與香港基督教服務處合作,提供親子課程及課後伴讀等活動。


如就本校為非華語學生提供的教育支援有進一步查詢,請致電24762258與黃志安 主任聯絡。


Diversity and Inclusion (多元文化與共融)